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Dog Swimming

Our Story

About The Compassionate Canine

The Compassionate Canine is an ethical canine specialist, passionate about positive reinforcement-based training.  Positive reinforcement is when the appropriate behavior is rewarded, teaching the dog an association between their actions and the reward. This means that the dog learns that good things come from us and that working with us is in their best interest.


This form of training is science based and is supported by other leading specialists and charities, such as dogs trust. It is effective as a tool for all dog training and can be used for a variety of behavior from a sit to helping them disengage from triggers and have less stressful walks,  to anything in between.


The Compassionate Canine is all about understanding and empathy, we pride ourselves on our judgment-free approach. When you choose to work with us you are choosing a support system that will help you and your dog work through behaviors and towards goals, progress is only made with consistency and teamwork is imperative to success. That is why we will create a simple step-by-step plan that the whole family can be involved in for you to work on, alongside training walks that allow us to give intensive sessions catered to your dog's needs.  This support system stays in place for as long as you need and we will always welcome any questions, even years down the line.

About Me

My name is Maria and I am the founder of The Compassionate Canine. I decided to dedicate my life to understanding and advocating for our four-legged friends after seeing, firsthand, the difference an empathetic and non-judgmental trainer can have on the quality of life for the dog and their family.


 My journey into canine care began when I was 17 and my family adopted a lurcher, Frasier,  from Dogs Trust.  We were unprepared for the prey drive and reactivity that Frasier displayed and were unsure how to integrate him into our lives while ensuring his needs were met. A lovely trainer made this process so much easier than we had thought possible and under her instruction Fraiser and I began our journey into the dog training world.  Today Frasier is 7 and lives a well-rounded and enriched life that allows him freedom and healthy outlets for his needs.


While I was at University Studying Psychology I also got a job as a professional dog walker for a London-based company. This opportunity allowed me to expand my knowledge of canine behavior, meet a variety of dogs and owners with a variety of needs, and allowed my passion for this area to blossom.  I stayed in this role for several years until I graduated and this was the catalyst for the founding of The Compassionate Canine, what I learned during this time is the basis for all our ethics and safeguarding today.


Since moving to Dorset I have begun formal training with the Modern Institute of Dog Trainers and participated in a number of their courses, I will be sitting my exam with them soon to become a formal member of their board.  I have been fortunate enough to begin volunteering with Dogs Trust in their puppy school, allowing me to learn from trainers at the top of their game and refine my skills further. Simultaneously I have begun working for Karuna Canine in the New Forest, running 1-2-1 training walks and helping train dogs with a variety of needs, this includes reactive dogs putting in place disengagement techniques, loose lead walking and confidence building as well as walking etiquette and socialisation for puppies.

IMDT 2 Day Career as a Dog trainer course completed
IMDT Separation Anxiety Course
IMDT 4 Day Practical Instrucoour Course
IMDT Perfect Puppy Course
IMDT Canine Agression and Rehabiltation Course
Hearding Breeds and Reactivity Webinar with Wildaheart
Our promises to you will always be our priorty

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